Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1755.01.13

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Index Entry Kid, an heifer, and a lambkin mild, A [fl] 
Location London 
13 Jan 1755:22 (127)
From the Westminster Journal, October 12, 1754. . . Having
taken occasion to observe in a late paper, that the French
ceeded to us in the treaty at Utrecht those very part of the
American continent, to which they now put in a claim. . . I
shall conclude this letter, with an imitation of a fable in
Phoedrus, which may perhaps be deemed a propos.
A kid, an heifer, and a lambkin mild
Rov'd with a lion in the woodlands wild:
Not long they cours'd, before, at lawful prize
They took a stag of an enormous size.
. . . [18 more lines]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1755.01.13 
Publisher Gaine, H. 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0029214
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